Thank Your State Rep. Randall Pettigrew for Leading the Fight Against the Progressive Gun Control Agenda

Dear New Mexico Second Amendment Supporter:

The New Mexico Legislature concluded its 30-day session last week without passing any new gun control legislation!  Progressive lawmakers have failed to enact further restrictions on your rights for two sessions now, thanks to the tireless efforts of pro-Second Amendment lawmakers like your State Rep. Randall Pettigrew (R-Lovington).

Rep. Pettigrew serves as a key member of the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee.  In that role this session, he worked to defeat legislation that would have made it a FELONY for law-abiding citizens to possess ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 15 rounds.  He also successfully fought to strip language from the governor's omnibus crime bill that would have expanded gun-free zones in the state, and he voted against a measure that would have held gun owners liable for the criminal misuse of their firearms by minors.

Please take a moment to thank Rep. Pettigrew ( for protecting your rights and standing up to the progressive gun control agenda!